Thanks to KSB’s Litter Lifters
The KSB Litter Lifter Program operates year-round, versus one or two seasonal events. Litter lifters pick up trash on their miles at least once a month, with some miles cleaned once a week. The program is permitted through both Yavapai County and the Arizona Department of Transportation. Over 75 individuals clean 50 plus miles of roadway in the Sedona/VOC area. We are not responsible for road litter beyond Sedona High School or the Sedona Art Center on 89A. A KSB quality control team drives the sponsored miles each week to ensure quality. Individual sponsors take pride in their miles, with many sponsoring miles for over 20 years. Learn More
Contact or call us at 928-282-4938 if you are interested in sponsoring a mile.

KSB Business Sponsors
Keep Sedona Beautiful would like to thank all our business sponsors. Keep Sedona Beautiful’s focus on local economics has never been stronger.
Our Dark Skies
In the Verde Valley, we treasure our dark skies. They provide a constant source of wonder and awe, connecting us to the natural world in a unique way.
Rent Our Building
Rent the KSB EcoHub Meeting Room for environmentally-related workshops, meetings & events. The building accommodates up to 130 guests.