KSB continues to work to protect the environment and beauty of Red Rock Country because of the generous donations of our supporters. We have several ways that you can support our organization.
For those of you who choose to donate to Keep Sedona Beautiful, Inc. our Tax ID is 23-7313508.
Become a Member – Please take a moment right now to support our important work by joining or renewing your membership.
KSB’s Endowment Fund – Help KSB survive and thrive through economic downturns. Bring this to the end.
Save Taxes by Giving – Save on taxes through charitable giving to KSB. Learn about donation options and the tax benefits they offer.
Donate a Memorial Gift to remember/honor someone for whom Sedona was a special place or to commemorate a milestone.
Consider becoming a Preserving the Wonder Legacy Donor – Begin by completing the legacy intent form.
Employer Matching – Many companies offer matching gift programs allowing employees to match, double or triple their donation to Keep Sedona Beautiful. Contact your employer for their matching policy and form.
Special Donations
Make a Special Donation for a Specific Program or Initiative for Any Amount
When entering your credit card information, please supply information on the purpose of your donation in the Message to Seller text field, or email this information to ksb@keepsedonabeautiful.org or phone at 928-282-4938.