
We are seeking a passionate and committed volunteer(s), an individual or small group, to organize the revitalization of the Keep Sedona Beautiful Native Plant Workshop.

Our current desire is to hold one or more workshops at the KSB EcoHub over the course of each year. Each workshop would feature speakers who would discuss topics or interest, such as selecting native plants, rainwater harvesting, non-toxic pesticides, creating a pollinator garden and a host of other topics. These events will be free and open to the public.

As the organizer, you’ll be responsible for coordinating with experts in the field, arranging logistics for the workshops, and promoting the event to a wide audience. Since we expect to hold the workshops at our EcoHub, logistics should not be complex.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who is passionate about the environment and wishes to make a positive impact in our community. By organizing these workshops, you will be helping to promote sustainable practices in the Verde Valley.

If you have a commitment to environmental conservation, and a desire to make a difference, we ask you to contact us at Let’s work together to keep Sedona beautiful!


A look back at our 2021 Native Plant Workshop Series.

Due to COVID, we held a mix of small events as well as Zoom presentations. You can read about each event below.

If there is a video, you’ll see a link that you can click to view the presentation.

As a part of our virtual Native Plant Workshop, KSB offered a video of Dr. Doug Tallamy titled “Nature’s Best Hope.” To watch at any time, please CLICK HERE.

Doug Tallamy

Nature’s Best Hope

The sponsors of this lecture state: Recent headlines about global insect declines and three billion fewer birds in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals that sustain us. Such losses are not an option if we wish to continue our current standard of living on Planet Earth. The good news is that none of this is inevitable.

Dr. Doug Tallamy discusses simple steps that each of us can (and must) take to reverse declining biodiversity and explains why we, ourselves, are nature’s best hope. 

This program was co-sponsored by Summit Environmental Commission, the Summit Area GreenFaith Circle, and the Summit Free Public Library.

Richard Sidy

 Re-wilding Your Garden Through Plant Partnerships

Keep Sedona Beautiful presented Re-Wild Your Garden through Plant Partnerships with Richard Sidy on Saturday, July 10th

Richard Sidy is president of Gardens for Humanity and a founding member of the Sustainability Alliance. A teacher for over 35 years, Richard advocates for sustainability education, food security and environmental education.  

This workshop was the 4th in KSB’s 2021 Native Plant Workshop Series and was at the gardener’s home with limited attendance

Previous NPW 2021 Events

Doug Copp

Learn How to Garden Organically in Sedona

Organic gardening is fun, fresh, and rewarding.  On Thursday, May 27th Doug, a local expert on organic gardening, discussed soil, plant propagation, predator control, harvest, storage and season extension and gave attendees his tips, tricks, and wisdom on growing a successful organic garden. Attendees visited Doug’s garden in person instead of Zoom.

Click Here to Read and Print Doug’s Organic Garden Class Syllabus

A Native Arizonan, Doug is a lifelong gardener and cyclist. He is a hiking and mountain bike guide at Enchantment Resort and maintains their chef’s garden. Since 1994, Doug has built trails with the US Forest Service and is currently the volunteer Bicycle Coordinator for the City of Sedona, along with board president of Sedona Recycles, Inc.

Monique Sidy

Learn about Natural Dyes Using Local Plants

Keep Sedona Beautiful presented The Why, How, and What of Natural Dyeing with Local Plants by local artist Monique Sidy on Saturday, June 19th . This was a hands-on workshop where attendees dyed small fabrics supplied by the instructor and then viewed completed projects. Participants learned how artists and designers work with local plant dyes and leave with ideas and inspiration. 

Monique Sidy is an accomplished artist, printmaker and web designer. Her work has been displayed at the Gemeente Museum in The Netherlands and at galleries in Italy, Norway and the U.S. Visit her website at

Carla Williams

Making Prickly Pear Jelly the Easy Way

This zoom presentation with Carla Williams was held on September 25th. Carla fully demonstrated equipment and explained handy tricks. When finished, participants will have the knowledge to make their own jelly. This bright pink jelly is delicious and will make a great holiday gift. It’s Prickly Pear season, so what better time to use the native fruits growing around us!   

To view a recording of this presentation, CLICK HERE.