Volunteer Sedona & The Verde Valley has organized a weekend of volunteer community activity for January 16-20.
Keep Sedona Beautiful is one of the participating organizations, and volunteers can sign up to help us make our property FireWise and to prepare our EcoHub garden for its Spring 2025 grand opening. Our work will take place on Sunday, January 19 from 12:30 – 3:30.
Please see the flyer below and note that you can sign up for this event at VolunteerSedona.com.
- Arrive at the KSB EcoHub by 12:30 pm on the 19th. We’re located at 360 Brewer Road in Sedona.
- We will require all volunteers to complete a Volunteer Liability Waiver Form. If you wish to complete the form in advance, CLICK HERE, print and sign the form and bring it with you.
- You need to wear sturdy long pants, boots and a long-sleeve shirt. Hats are advised but not required. Sunscreen is strongly advised.
- KSB will provide gloves, safety glasses and tools. If you have a leaf rake or a stronger garden rake, please feel free to bring it along.
- KSB will provide a safety talk before the commencement of work and will have representatives to guide all work efforts.
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