Volunteers are the heart of Keep Sedona Beautiful


Photo by Derek von Briesen

We invite you to help with one or more of KSB’s many programs. Put your unique talents to work for the greater good of Preserving the Wonder.

Litter Lifters: This is KSB’s longest-running program.  Join those who litter-ally keep Sedona beautiful. 

Dark Sky Program: Interested in preserving Greater Sedona’s wonderful dark sky? We need help with educational star parties, teaching kids about the value of dark skies, and reducing and preventing light pollution.

Monthly Speaker Series: Help make each talk a special event by being part of the team that and supports the speaker and coordinator.

KSB Awards: KSB recognizes local individuals, businesses and organizations with Awards of Excellence. Help solicit nominations, select awardees, and develop a program that honors them.

Building and Grounds: If you are a gardener or enjoy indoor or outdoor handiwork, then we can use your help!

Social Media and Website: Our Facebook page and our website site always need fresh new content. Help us keep KSB’s public face up-to-date and interesting.

Grant Writing: Research and apply for the many grants that are available to further our mission.

Development and Fundraising:  If you enjoy meeting new people and have a gift for gab, then we invite you to join our development committee in building our base of support within the community.

Administrative: Your help in the office could involve educational mailings, public programs, and outreach.

Stories and Press Releases: KSB programs and events are always worth writing about.

Thank you in advance for the gift of your time and talents!  Contact the KSB office at ksb2@keepsedonabeautiful.org or call (928) 282-4938.  

Here are other ways you can help to Keep Sedona Beautiful.