For years KSB has provided information about water conservation and protection of our groundwater supplies.

Water Awareness Month began in Sedona in 2004 with the first April Is Water Awareness Month. A coalition of groups created the Sedona Water Awareness Alliance: Keep Sedona Beautiful, Sustainable Arizona, Sedona Women, Gardens for Humanity, the League of Women Voters, Sierra Club, local water companies, the City of Sedona and regional groups.

The coalition worked with the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) to obtain materials on water conservation, xeriscaping and planning. They developed a month of activities with workshops, films and celebrations that began each year with the KSB Native Plant workshop. From there, they documented methods to use in developing community water events. Finally, the coalition worked with local businesses to convince hotels and restaurants to reduce their water usage.

This work climaxed with receiving a Governor’s Award from Governor Janet Napolitano. The coalition then gave the design for Water Awareness Month to ADWR – Arizona’s Water Awareness Month was formalized.

The impact of climate change on our water supplies is becoming more evident. Large-scale agribusiness projects and residential developments are placing increasing demands on our groundwater resources. We believe water issues must play a pivotal role in the decision-making process. Water is a finite resource. Decisions on where, when, and how much to develop must take water resources into account.

KSB provides the following information about water use in the Verde Valley and Northern Arizona:

Water is essential and we all need to do our part to ensure there is enough water today, tomorrow, and for future generations. That’s why the City of Sedona, Yavapai County, Big Park Water Company, and Arizona Water Company have created a water conservation program with the communities in mind. Check out the Ripple Effect water conservation program by visiting Do your part in conserving water!

H2O: The Molecule That Made Us

PBS has shown an amazing documentary series, H2O: The Molecule That Made Us. All episodes are available on by CLICKING HERE.

Groundwater reserves all over the world are dwindling. This human-caused crisis, coupled with drought, cause social upheaval leading to wars and mass migrations. If you’re interested in learning more about groundwater management in Arizona and the many ways in which Arizona and other states export water from non-rechargeable aquifers, you need to watch this excellent documentary.