Every year, the City of Sedona partners with a nonprofit called Solar United Neighbors (SUN) to help residents in Northern Arizona go solar. This year the SUN has partnered with Sedona, Flagstaff, and Coconino County.

SUN will be hosting several Solar 101 workshops this month, one virtual session, one in person session in Sedona, and another in person session in Flagstaff. The workshop is a great opportunity to learn about solar technology, what it takes to install solar on one’s roof, review cost estimates, and learn about the Co-Op process.

Joining a solar Co-Op brings a lot of great benefits for those looking to put solar on their homes. It very often leads to a significant reduction in installation costs. Going solar is made easier as the SUN will help homeowners navigate the entire process. It is free and requires absolutely no commitment at any point in the process.

The co-op is live and open to new members now: solarunitedneighbors.org/NorthernAZ

Three Solar 101 information sessions are planned:

October 16th (virtual)     6:00 – 7:30pm via Zoom    RSVP here 

October 29th (Sedona)   6:00 – 7:30pm In-Person at the Sedona Public Library  3250 White Bear Rd. Sedona, AZ 86336   RSVP here

October 30th (Flagstaff) 6:00 – 7:30pm In-Person at the Mother Road Brewing Company   7 S Mikes Pike St. Flagstaff, AZ 86001   RSVP here