Our focus on dark skies resulted in Sedona adopting a Dark Sky Policy in 2014 and Sedona being named the world’s 8th dark sky community by the International Dark-Sky Association. Our team also helped the Village of Oak Creek obtain dark sky designation in 2016, followed in 2018 by Camp Verde and in 2019 by Cottonwood. 

After 5 years of work, agreement was reached in 2020 to reduce helicopter noise in Sedona. KSB was instrumental in enacting this landmark voluntary agreement establishing “No-Fly Zones” and minimum altitudes. Both  restrictions resulted in less noise pollution.

In 2020, Yavapai County began updating their Comprehensive Plan that will be critical in guiding development in unincorporated areas over the next decade. KSB is actively participating, having submitted a document laying out key priorities. We also administered surveys covering the topical areas of the plan and have submitted the results to Yavapai County, demonstrating the priorities of residents. 

KSB contributed to the creation of the Sedona Sustainable Tourism Plan and is the lead partner for implementing four tactics. We vigorously supported the City of Sedona Climate Action Plan, adopted in 2021.

The exponential increase in Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) use has triggered a crisis. Reckless and inconsiderate drivers are disrupting neighborhoods, destroying pristine land, endangering the safety of others and themselves and raising clouds of dust that harm both vegetation and residents. We’re working to bring this devastating situation under control.

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