In response to the developer’s Amended Letter of Intent and Amended Site Plan outlining their plans to develop Spring Creek Ranch, Keep Sedona Beautiful has submitted a detailed response documenting our concerns and our reasons for strongly opposing this mega-development.

That letter concludes with the following statements:

After considering the information that the applicant has provided describing their proposal to develop Spring Creek Ranch, and after considering the likely impact of the development on the land and on existing communities, Keep Sedona Beautiful strongly opposes this rezoning request.

    • The applicant has not supplied sufficient information to enable the full impact of the development to be determined.
    • The proposal is out of conformance with the Yavapai County Comprehensive Plan.
    • Locating a development of this size and scale along either side of Spring Creek is entirely inappropriate.
    • The density of the development is not in keeping with the Cornville community or with the entire Verde Valley.
    • The development would cause significant harm to the waters of Spring Creek and the threatened and endangered species that inhabit it.
    • The development would cause ongoing harm to the land it occupies and to adjacent public lands.
    • The proposal does not reflect smart growth nor does it provide benefits to existing communities. Instead, it places its residents on an island where their safety is at risk due to infrastructure limitations.
    • Finally, rather than a plan for a community, this is a business model which does not consider the needs of its residents for growth in their investment. The business model of renting land on which mobile homes sit should be resoundingly rejected.

Spring Creek Ranch is the wrong development in the wrong location.

You can read the entire KSB Comment Letter here.  You can access other information about the Spring Creek Ranch proposal, and learn how to make your voice heard, by visiting this page on the KSB website.