On Wednesday, May 15, Denise Gibbs gave a presentation on Monarch Butterflies via Zoom,

CLICK HERE to view a recording of this presentation.

These are her recommended Arizona native plant nurseries that sell pesticide-free plants for Monarchs:

  • Arizona Milkweeds for Monarchs, https://www.azmilkweedsformonarchs.org/, NAU Flagstaff greenhouses, pre-order and pick up plugs of native AZ milkweed species.  They sometimes sell plugs at farm markets and/or The Arboretum at Flagstaff plant sales.
  • Borderlands Nursery, https://www.borderlandsplants.org/, Patagonia, pre-order and pick up plants from their greenhouses, or attend one of their public plant sales at various locations around the state; mail-order seeds
  • Desert Survivors Nursery, https://desertsurvivors.org/, Tucson, buy plants there, become a member and get a discount at their public plant sales
  • Spadefoot Nursery, https://www.spadefootnursery.com/, Tucson, order plants online then pick-up at their nursery
  • Underwood Gardens, Terroir Seeds, https://store.underwoodgardens.com/, Chino Valley, mail-order native milkweed seeds online.  Become a member and get a 20% discount. 

For a list of Monarch-friendly plans for the Sedona area, CLICK HERE.

For a list of Monarch-friendly plans for the Greater Verde Valley area, CLICK HERE.